What's happening at St. Pauls

Winter Centering Prayer, Tuesdays at noon
Make time in your week for a quiet half-hour of centering prayer. We gather together in the Parish Hall first for a short chat to set the tone. Then we move to the Chapel for a session of peaceful prayer and spiritual rest.
Lenten Suppers Start
Mar. 12 at 6 p.m.
Here's a look ahead at the program:
Mar. 12 - Hymns with Judith Miller
Mar. 19 - Concert by The Redfield Duo
Mar. 26 - Icons; how they're made and what they represent by May Bell Godwin
Apr. 2 - Drum Circle (really fun!)
Apr. 9 - Concert by Hammers and Harmony

Making Meals and Stocking the Pantry
We help our community with a number of food assistance services. Join us in helping others!
Brown Bag Ministry
Brown Bags provide temporary assistance of ready-to-eat meals and snacks for those in need of a little help.
We partner with Foley's Ecumenical Ministries office in planning, purchasing, preparing and plating meals in our kitchen at St. Paul's. Watch our Fishnet Newsletter for meal prep dates and times.
With growing demands for weekday meals, Ecumenical Ministries is always in need of delivery drivers. Contact our office for information on how you can become a driver.
Ecumenical Ministries Food Pantry
Drop off donations of non-perishable foods, personal hygiene and household cleaning supplies at the Parish Hall.
Adult Sunday School
at 9:30 a.m.
Enjoy fellowship and lively discussions in this small group... and coffee, of course!
Monthly Potluck
The 2nd Sunday of each month, following the 10:30 a.m. service.
Seek and Learn
Books expand the mind, heart and soul. Our library is stocked with a wide selection of reading for young and old.

Watch for our annual events
Food and Funds Drive for Ecumenical Ministries in Summer
Blessing of the Animals in October